Health Resources

Health Screening

Thurgood Marshall Academy does not currently require a health survey prior to entering facilities or participating in activities.

The school asks that students, families, employees, contractors & visitors practice the everyday prevention measures advised by DC Department of Health and the US CDC, which include…

  • Staying current on vaccinations, including for COVID-19 and the flu
  • Staying home when sick
  • Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette

Frequently Asked Questions 

What should a student, parent, or employee do if they feel ill?

Please stay home if you feel ill!

Students/parents should report illnesses to school attendance staff and work with teachers to stay current on school work. Consult the “Student & Family Handbook” for details.  

Employees should report illnesses to their supervisors and request leave as needed through the employee leave system. Consult the “Personnel Policy Manual” for details.

What resources are available to respond to an illness?

Thurgood Marshall Academy is not a healthcare organization and cannot offer detailed health advice.  We can offer only general, publicly available health resources:

If the entire school is closed, how will my child receive lessons through the online platform? What if we do not have Internet access? 

Every student can receive a Chromebook from Thurgood Marshall Academy.  If your child has yet to receive one, or if it is lost or damaged, please contact Ms. Moore at or call (202) 563-6862 x181.

The US government now provides support to families seeking Internet access via the Affordable Connectivity Program.

How can my family access mental and emotional support?


The Warmline

The warmline is the Department of Health’s number for schools that have school-based DBH clinician(s).  Mental health professionals at the DC Department of Mental Health Warm helpline(888) 793-4357 – are available to speak with students to:

  • Get help with problem-solving
  • Discuss concerns
  • Determine if additional mental health or other types of services are needed.
  • Request printed materials about preparing for emergencies and how to handle one’s emotions related to illnesses such as COVID-19.

If you are thinking of harming yourself, please call

  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK
  • Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741-741

Mental Health Crisis concerns/Concerns to self or others, call

  • Access HelpLine: 1-888-7WE-HELP or 1-888-973-4357


Can Thurgood Marshall Academy support unhoused (“homeless”) families or those experiencing transitional living? 

Email Ms. Hayden at