Kids Ride Free Card

The Kids Ride Free Program
The Kids Ride Free program allows students enrolled in DC private/parochial schools, DC Public Schools, and DC Charter Schools to receive a KRF SmarTrip card for free travel to and from school and school-related activities within the District of Columbia, using public transportation.
Kids Ride Free Distribution for SY 2024-25 will begin on August 15, 2024.
KRF SY 24-25 cards will be valid through September 30, 2025.
To participate in the Kids Ride Free program, students must obtain a Kids Ride Free SmarTrip Card. If a student forgets or loses their Kids Ride Free SmarTrip card, they MUST pay the regular fare to ride Metrorail, Metrobus, or DC Circulator until they find their card or obtain a replacement card.
Kids Ride Free Program Qualifications (Video or pdf)
To qualify for the School Transit Subsidy Program, students meet all three of the following qualifications:
- Be a resident of the District of Columbia; and
- Be age 5-21; and
- Be enrolled in an elementary or secondary public, private, charter, or parochial school located within the District; or a “ward of DC” through the Foster Care System.
How can my student request a card?
Cards must be requested by the student by completing a KRF Card request form at the Security Desk. Requested cards are distributed during dismissal. For early dismissals, contact Ms. Moore@ 202-563-6862 ext 181.
Proper Use of the Kids Ride Free SmarTrip Card. Students must use the Kids Ride Free Lanes.
Students should begin using designated faregates at selected METRO stations
If students do not have a KRF card, or experience any difficulty using their cards, Station Managers will be available to assist and may ask for the student’s name and school to follow up
Students should look for prominent signage of the ground to indicate the designated Kids Ride Free Lanes
For more information, view WMATA’s press release here
What if my child loses their card?
Lost or stolen KRF Cards must be reported to the school as soon as possible to deactivate the old card and begin the process of requesting a new card.